
  1. Go to http://localhost:8181
  2. Log in as admin/admin.
  3. Click on the Containers tab.
  4. Select both lab9container1 and lab9container2 and click on the Stop button.
  5. Once stopped, open gedit.
  6. Click Open and browse to ~/FuseWorkshop/Fuse6.2.1/instances/lab9container1/etc
  7. Select
  8. Go to the end of the file, and add a new line.
  9. Copy and paste the following lines:
karaf.lock = true
  1. Save the file and close it.
  2. It should look like this:

  1. Repeat the procedure for lab9container2
general_info_polished.png Red Hat JBoss Fuse provides failover capability using either a simple lock file system or a JDBC locking mechanism. In both cases, a container-level lock system allows bundles to be preloaded into the slave kernel instance in order to provide faster failover performance.
  1. Open a terminal and create the sharedLock dir by executing mkdir ~/FuseWorkshop/Fuse6.2.1/sharedLock
  2. Go back to the web browser.
  3. Click on the Containers tab.
  4. Select lab9container1 and click on the Start button.
  5. Select lab9container2 and click on the Start button (since this is the passive container, it won’t appear as started).
  6. Select lab9container1 and click on the Stop button.
  7. Fabric should have detected that the active container has stopped and started the passive container.
  8. Check that lab9container2 is now running.

  1. Select lab9container2 and click on the Stop button.
  2. Open gedit and remove the previously added lines to both files (one for lab9container1 and one for lab9container2).
  3. Select both lab9container1 and lab9container2 and click on the Start button.

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